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  • SKU DEW10-2 Category

    Egg Saver Series

    1,800 to 3,600 eggs per hour

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    Illustrated is our DEW10-2. The capacity of this unit ranges from 1,800 to 3,600 eggs per hour. This unit combines economy with function. Eggs are not submerged, but utilize recirculated, filtered pressure spray wash. The cleaning process is achieved by rotating the eggs on rubber rollers, which ensures the egg is completely cleansed and free of debris. After the eggs are completely cleaned, they are passed through a sanitizing spray chamber. This ensures that the eggs are free of shell borne bacteria. The egg washer can be modified to suit all applications. Many clients choose to connect our egg washers to an egg grader or farm packer to complete a fully automated system, while others choose to manually unload the eggs for other applications. Kuhl Egg Washers can be custom modified to accommodate nearly any application.